Written by: Serenity Henderson March 22, 2021
So recently I had the honor of speaking with one of our amazing foster parents here at FSA. Her name is Michelle Smith and she’s been fostering for 15 years. Ten of those years she has spent working with Family Services of America. Ms. Michelle shared with me some of her experiences on what she goes through, being a foster parent and working here at FSA. She touched on some key points that I think all foster parents can relate to and upcoming parents can look forward too. Heres what she had to say…
” Becoming a foster parent is very rewarding. It allows you to love, feel compassion, and provides a good home to a child in need. Although it sounds easy, there are some things that you have to understand and acknowledge about these kids. These children come from different backgrounds (drug abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, loosing a parent through incarceration, or death). All of these issues are hard on a child’s mental state and they need assistance dealing with all of these issues. This could be very challenging. As a foster parent you have to have patience and be willing to love and understand the different issues at hand. Some cases could be more severe than others. When becoming a foster parent, make sure that you attend all trainings as it will help you to learn and understand the different disabilities, emotional, and mental issues that each child may endure. Each child is different and you will have to prepare yourself for the baggage that comes with each child. Most of these children do not come from homes like ours, so they will need structure, guidance, love, stability, patience, and understanding. Children need to know that they are safe and valued. It is our job as Foster parents to help them become the best that they could be while in our care. So, if you’re thinking of becoming a foster parent, Do your research on what it’s all about and get ready to put in the work in something very rewarding. ” Michelle Smith
I also went on to ask Ms. Michelle what she enjoyed most about working with FSA the most and she said ” the supportive staff. ” I would encourage if youre thinking of becoming a foster parent to not only do your research on parenting in general but also make sure to research the agency you may be thinking of using. They will be apart of your journey the whole way through so you’d want to make sure they’re reliable, trustworthy and supportive.
Each child needs and has the right to grow up protected from misuse and disregard, and caring foster parents offer kids support and dependability when they need it most. At Family Services of America, we spend a significant amount of time in personalizing plans for all children admitted into our services to get them ready for their next transition. We cooperate with our foster parents to provide services, including therapeutic foster care, adoption and outpatient Services. Quality care and services you can trust. Contact us today on how you can become a foster parent. https://www.familiesofusa.com