Around this time last year many were faced with loads of questions. Some good, most bad, a few downright ugly. But two have proven more prevalent and puzzled everyone to the core for this past year alone.

“What is there to do?,” and “What CAN I DO?”

As the current world stands, we are finding not only ourselves in precarious positions, but the people surrounding us too. Many have cried over lapsed bills, asked for lodging because they lost theirs, visiting food pantries because the groceries not lasting long nowadays. All scary thoughts, all valid, be they from you or anyone else. Ever since the start of this pandemic the same two questions as stated above have arisen countless times. Many have found stability and managed to land on their own two feet, but others have found themselves scraping by. Which brings on the question, “What can I do?”

Community Outreach

Aiding the homeless, feeding the neighborhood, providing health services, guiding youth. These are all things that encompass Community Outreach which by definition is providing and distributing resources to those who need it. At this point you’re probably asking, “I’ve got the heart and vision, now what?”

The best first step is examining what you want to do, is it aiding the misfortune, soup kitchen, donation stock and management, etc. Any of these are fine. Next question to ask is “Do you go Indie?” DIY? But the materials and do setup yourself along with distribution and maintenance? I know sounds like a lot right? (YEP!) That’s okay there are ways to go about it, you may even end up creating a whole new local charity started and it’s run your own way. If you go the indie route, you WILL need help, gather a strong support system of friends and family along with a strong social media presence to get the word out.

Again, if all this sounds a bit much, the second option might be a bit easier, find a local chapter of an already established charity and join in. Any community charity would appreciate anything and time you could give them. Search online for your best fit.

Last step, spread the world, get others involved and build as stated before a support system, the more involved, the merrier. These are trying times sheeple (people) and to “fend for our own,” can encompass more than your own family, but those you call “neighbor.”

List of possible charities you can join

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