To many this will be a refresher course, but this is for those who wish to get in on what I’m about to speak about. Which begs the question for the unintroduced, What is FSA?
Well for starters, it’s the acronym for our agency’s real name, we are Family Services of America.
We are the cornerstone Foster Care agency of North Carolina. We have a multitude of services to offer and focus our efforts into building community and striving for a better future.
Established in 2009, but not fully founded till 2010. Family Services was originally ICAN facilities in the year 2000 as a collective of group homes. Sadly, state mandates ordered that certain agencies downsize, and this agency was one of them. But we have since rebounded and our footholds in the community have proven fruitful.
We are about building connections and growth in the community. The main mission of FSA is to unite and create families, whereas we provide resources to help families bond.
· Foster Care- through recruitment and, licensing training we build a safe network for children to reside within till they can deemed safe.
· Therapeutic Foster Care- here clients receive psycho-educational and therapeutic interventions to maintain a functional life with a legit community support system.
· Outpatient Therapy- Quality care is our top priority, so we host many behavioral health assessments at your disposal ranging from individual and group therapy to psychological health assessments with most if not all health care insurances accepted.
We here at Family Services of America aim to create long-lasting connections and build communities. We hope you join us in our goal of creating families.