Guide to Adjustment
Let’s be real, the last year and some odd time has been an ADJUSTMENT PERIOD for all of us. Job loss, displacement, scraping by, but to…
Around this time last year many were faced with loads of questions. Some good, most bad, a few downright ugly. But two have proven more…
Historicals Take #1- Ruby Bridges
In 1954, Brown v. Board of Education tackled Educational Segregation then in 1959, one little girl broke down the barrier. Born September…
Foster Parent Teacher Appreciation Week
#teacherappreciation #fosterparent #adoption #teens #children
We have moved!
Transition for anyone can be tough. We were forced to abruptly move office locations due to no fault of our own. We tried to make our existing circumstances work, but we all quickly realized we no longer had comfort in the place we once called home. The process was made a lot smoother when we […]
National Foster Care Month!
Stats on Teen Dating Violence
How do you know if your teen is subject to be a victim of teen dating violence (TDV)? Would you know the signs? How well do you know about the person who spends a great deal of time with your teen? Truthfully, no parent can conclusively say that they know their teen would NEVER allow […]
10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Violent Relationships
Below is a handy list of ten things you can do to help prevent relationship violence. It is important to note that while you can take steps to protect yourself from domestic violence, it is the abuser’s responsibility for the abuse. If your partner hurts you physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually, know that that was […]
What is FSA?
To many this will be a refresher course, but this is for those who wish to get in on what I’m about to speak about. Which begs the question for the unintroduced, What is FSA? Well for starters, it’s the acronym for our agency’s real name, we are Family Services of America. We are the […]
What is Foster Care?
“Anybody can be a parent.” The motto of most who share a love for children, but what happens when you have no one to share your love with? What if you are done child-rearing, but have more kindness to give? The answer might sound farfetched but… Foster Care. This act of service is the business […]